
Monday, August 1, 2011

Meet Christiana

I don't usually talk too much about the brides, but this is a different case. Christiana is an amazing girl that I am so privileged to know. She is a refuge from Sierra Leone that has been in Foster care. I signed up for the Youth Mentor Project earlier this year and Christiana and I were matched up. She is an incredible example of overcoming unideal situations and making the best of your circumstances. She is such a driven young women that I never felt she needed much of my support or help that I was so happy to be able to do her flowers for her special day. I am so glad I could see her married.

She wasn't picky at all (in fact she had never even been to a wedding before). All I could get her to tell me were her colors so I pretty much picked her flowers and just went with her colors.

Toss Bouquet

Bridesmaids bouquets



Anyone that is interested in becoming a friend to someone making the transition out of foster care should sign up for this really great program the Youth Mentor Project. It is an awesome program and you can meet some really amazing people. Check it out.

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